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Getting started on PlaySport
What is PlaySport?
Does it cost anything to use PlaySport?
Why should I sign up for PlaySport?
Why do you need information from me when creating an account?
What is a Player?
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Who is an Organiser?
How do I set up my organisation on PlaySport?
What are Experiences?
How do I set up an Experience?
Can I invite my members onto PlaySport?
How do I create a News Post?
How can I message someone?
How to add staff to your Experiences using Groups
Why is my Organisation on PlaySport? Where did you get my details from?
What does it mean to verify my Organisation?
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How are Experiences priced?
How do I register another person into an Experience?
How can I request a refund ?
How do I change my Notification Settings?
Why am I asked to follow Sports, Organisers and PlayLists?
What is the visibility of my Profile? How do I edit this?
What is the difference between Members, Participants and Followers?
Mobile and Email Verification
How old do I need to be to have a PlaySport Account?
How do I view Linked Accounts?
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What data does PlaySport retain?
What are PlayLists?
How can I contact an Organiser?
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