Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim
Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim

Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim

PlayMaker in Bronte


Saving Championships in Hawaii. The event quickly gained popularity and has become a beloved annual tradition in Bronte. Over the years, it has grown to attract swimmers of all ages and abilities from across Sydney and beyond.

The Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim takes place on Sunday, 1st December 2024. It offers a range of courses to cater to every ability and experience level. Participants can choose between a 1 km, 5 km, or the classic 2 km Bondi to Bronte course. Whether you're a professional athlete, a daily swimmer, or just looking for a fun challenge with friends and family, there's something for everyone at this iconic ocean swim.

The 2 km Bondi to Bronte course is the highlight of the event, taking swimmers on a scenic journey along the stunning coastline from Bondi to Bronte. For those looking for a longer challenge, the 5 km course offers an even more rewarding experience. And for those seeking a shorter distance, the 1 km Bondi Bay course is perfect.

The Macquarie Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim is grateful for the support of its partners, including World Series Swims. Thanks to this partnership, every participant who enters the swim online has a chance to win a fantastic swim weekend on the Gold Coast in April 2024. This major prize includes return flights, accommodation, and swim entries into any distance on the day.

Ocean swimming is a unique and exhilarating experience that connects individuals with the natural environment. Swimmers often describe the thrill of swimming through waves and the sense of freedom it provides. Joining a regular ocean swimming group is a great way to improve your skills, meet new people, and fully embrace this addictive sport. There's plenty of room for everyone, so don't hesitate to dive in and join the ocean swimming community.

To enter the Macquarie Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim, visit the dedicated Course pages on our website. Before entering any course, make sure to carefully read and understand all the provided information, including policies, procedures, and terms. Entries for the 2024 event will open in September 2024, so mark your calendars and get ready for a one-of-a-kind swimming experience.

The event day is always a memorable and enjoyable experience for both swimmers and spectators. From the event programme to transport options, participant support, prize presentations, and food and refreshment, everything is well-organised to ensure a smooth and fun-filled day. After the swim, participants can gather at the club's bar to celebrate their achievements and enjoy some refreshments.

The Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim was founded in 2001 by Graham Ford, the President of Bronte Surf Club, with the goal of raising funds to send young surf club competitors to the World Life Saving Championships in Hawaii. Since then, it has grown into a highly anticipated and cherished event in Bronte, attracting thousands of swimmers each year.

Join the Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim and become part of this incredible tradition. Dive into the open waters, challenge yourself, and create unforgettable memories. Get ready for an exhilarating swim along the stunning coastline, surrounded by fellow swimmers and breathtaking natural beauty.

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